What Does New Contact Mean On Snapchat

The “New Contact” badge on Snapchat signifies that you have recently been added as a friend by another user. Until you open a discussion with them or visit their profile, this label will remain next to the user’s name in your friends list and on their profile.

Using the “New Contact” label, you may quickly find people who have just added you as a buddy on Snapchat. This might help you keep track of new acquaintances and promptly accept or decline friend invitations.

A helpful technique for spotting probable spam accounts or phoney accounts is the “New Contact” badge. Before accepting a friend request from a user who recently added you as a friend but you don’t know them, you can look up their profile and confirm their identity.

The “New Contact” label on Snapchat, then, denotes that someone has just added you as a buddy. Until you open a discussion with them or visit their profile, this label will remain next to the user’s name in your friends list and on their profile. On Snapchat, the “New Contact” label can be a helpful tool for spotting new contacts and potentially spammy profiles.

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